Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Holy Moses!

This article from National Geographic News indicates in the lead that:
Moses may have received some geological assistance when he parted the Red Sea to let the Israelites through, according to the Bible.
Following the conventional rules of journalism, which tell writers to always use the active voice, especially in the lead, the sentence could be corrected to say:
The Bible says Moses may have received some geological assistance when he parted the Red Sea to let the Israelites through.
Turns out it was just scientists, not the Bible, who said that. Their "study" suggests that an injection of hot underground magma is splitting apart the Nubian and Arabian tectonic plates, and it has been for the past "30 million years". But at times, like last September, the molten rock thrusts upwards explosively into a vertical crack called a dyke. Above the dyke, "several camels and goats fell into the open fissures." Plus, thousands of people were displaced.

So 2000 years ago, God (may have) injected his hot magma into the dyke and parted the Red Sea. Nowadays, God is now using his power to (perhaps) have the earth swallow camels and goats and displace Ethiopians.
Just goes to show: God hates us now. (maybe)

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